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Valentine’s day

Valentine's day flowers
Yesterday was Valentine’s day. I had a perfect evening so I would like to share it with you!

Valentine's day necklace

When I came home from work a few gifts were waiting for me. Pretty flowers, a sweet card and a beautiful necklace. He’d bought it on Etsy and had picked the color himself. So sweet! Of course I had a gift for him as well. I gave him a dark grey tie (he had mentioned he wanted one a while ago) and some special chocolate (I will tell you more about that soon).

Valentine's day diner

After that we went for dinner. I had no idea where we were going, so it was a great surprise! It was a small restaurant in a tiny village and the food was really nice. We had a surprise menu which is something I really like, because I like trying new things. And as you can see, they made it all look great as well!

Valentine's day diner

We had a great evening. Did you do anything for Valentine’s day?


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