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Rituals Shower Foams

Rituals Shower Foams

One of the products you can always find in our shower is a Rituals Shower Foam (or two, or three). Rituals is a Dutch cosmetics company selling home and body cosmetics. They sell a lot of different Shower Foams and today I’ll show you two of them.

Rituals Shower Foams

The orange Shower Foam is called Sunrise and smells like sweet orange and cedar. The red Shower Foam is called Fujiyama and smells like Mandarin and mint. Both contain citrus, but they’re still really different. Sunrise has a warmer and sweeter smell and Fujiyama is really fresh. They will both make you and your bathroom smell delicious!

Rituals Shower Foams

But why do I love these Shower Foams so much? Yes I absolutely love the scents, they are really special. But what also makes them special is the texture. When you but a bit of the foam in your hand, it quickly changes from a gel into a foam which feels really soft on you body. This also makes them perfect for shaving.

The Shower Foams contain 6,7 fl.oz/200 ml, so they will last quit a while. You can by them for €8,00 in one of the Rituals stores or online.

Have you tried any of the Rituals Shower Foams?


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